Parakeet - Derbyan

Derbyan Parrot Scientific Name: Psittacula derbiana

Wed, 8th January, 2025 - 6:27 am GMT

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Alternative Name

Derbyan Parrot Scientific Name: Psittacula derbiana

Basic Info

The Derbyan Parakeet is larger than most parakeets. It averages 20 inches (50 centimeters) at maturity. It is said to be similar in size to the popular Alexandrine Parakeet. These birds are sexually dimorphic, meaning that males and females may be distinguished visually. Their plumage is green overall with black lower cheeks and lores. Parts of their thighs and wing covets are a mauve to slightly grey-blue and they have striking violet blue heads. They have colorful wings, making them quite striking. Males have a red upper mandible, while the females have an entirely black bill. They have pale yellow eyes and grey feet. The female may also be distinguished from the male by the presence of a brown band behind the ear-coverts. Immature Derbyan Parakeets are easily distinguished from adults because they have green crowns, and both males and females have pink bills. Additionally, their eyes are dark, and do not get light until they reach maturity. Adult plumage is typically reached by the time they are 2 years old.


The Derbyan Parakeet loves to chew and can be quite destructive. It is very important that they be given a variety of chew toys to help curb potentially destructive behavior. Additionally, they should be given a large number of toys, to help prevent boredom. This is a very intelligent parrot that needs to be stimulated. The Derbyan Parakeet enjoys spending time on the bottom of its aviary or cage and may require regular worming for this reason. They may also be prone to fungal infections for the same reason. Good sanitary habits are a must if you should want to keep this parakeet. Breeding In captivity the Derbyan Parakeet reaches sexual maturity between 2 and 3 years of age. It has been reported that they may reach sexual maturity later in the wild, possibly as late as 5 years. In the wild, breeding season usually begins in June where they nest in poplar and other trees. Not a lot of information is available about their wild breeding behavior as they live in a rather mountainous area that is not often visited by ornithologists. The Derbyan Parakeet makes an excellent parent and breeds readily in captivity. The typical breeding season will begin in April and clutch sizes average 4 eggs. The incubation period lasts for 23 days, and they fledge between 8 and 9 weeks. Babies will reach maturity by 2 years of age.


In the wild they are most common in mountainous regions.


The Derbyan Parakeet, also known as the Derbyan Parrot, is a popular pet because of its beautiful colors and its intelligence. It is also popular among aviculturists because of its ease of breeding and excellent parenting skills. Who says one cannot have brains and beauty? The Derbyan Parakeet is well known for its wonderful colored plumage, but what those who have never encountered them may not realize is that most are excellent talkers as well. While some Asiatic Parakeets talk, many do not have the clarity of voice seen in larger birds, such as the Amazons. This is not so for the Derbyan Parakeet. They are not only able to learn an extensive vocabulary, but they speak in a way that closely resembles the speech of the Amazon Parrots. Of course there are never any guarantees that your Derbyan will talk, but many do, even the females. The Derbyan Parakeet can, however, be quite loud and this does need to be remembered before considering bringing one into your home. Their call has been described as a "prolonged, raucous, metallic cry". They may not be well suited for apartment living. Some hobbyists say that most will not be as loud, provided they are kept singly and given plenty of attention. If they are going to be kept in a cage, they should be allowed to come out. This parakeet should be handled regularly to help ensure tameness. They are naturally a bit shy of the human touch and are generally considered placid when compared to some other parakeets. This is not to say that they are not active, as they are active birds. In the wild the Derbyan Parakeet is a social bird that lives primarily in flocks of as many as 50 birds. They do require plenty of attention in captivity.




The Derbyan Parakeet is classified as an Asiatic Parakeet and is native to Southwestern China, Southeastern Tibet, and Northeastern Assam.

Common Foods

In the wild they tend to feed on fruits, berries, seeds, and leaf buds.

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